OGE Vision Science Course: From Theory to Practice
This is an online course that Dr. Shaiyan Keshvari and I developed for Oxford Global, a Short Course Provider accredited by the British Accreditation Council. My module for this course is called the Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, a tribute to the pioneering psychologist and vision scientist James J. Gibson. In my module, I discussed Gibson's theory on visual perception and illustrated its connection with various modern technology, from computer vision to virtual reality.
This module contains remastered content borrowed from Dr. Geoffrey Bingham's Perception and Action course with his permission. This was formative course for me, as it establishes the theoretical foundation for my research and, more importantly, the way I think about the world and solve problems. For this, I will be forever grateful. Therefore, this is also the reason why I would like others to have the opportunities to be exposed to these ideas and, hopefully, it will help them (and you) to think just slightly differently.
Some demos are in a gif format and thus cannot be viewed properly in the PDF. You can go to the Course Demos page to check them out!
Lecture 1 The Ecological Approach to Human Visual Perception
Lecture 2 Optic Array, Optic Flow, and Stereopsis
Lecture 3 Optic Flow and the Perception of Heading
Lecture 4 Structure-from-Motion and the Bootstrap Process