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Published Manuscripts

24. Wang, X.M., Chan, C.H.Y.*, Wang, Y.*, Karlinsky, A., Constable, M.D., & Welsh, T.N. (2025). Activation of the Motor System Following Gaze Cues is Determined by Hand Access, Not Hand Proximity. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. *: Undergraduate research students.

23. Wang, X.M., Yang, M., Feng, Z., Pan, J. S., Wilson, M. A., & Zhu, Q. (2025). Experience modulates gaze behavior and the effectiveness of information pickup to overcome the inversion effect in biological motion perception. PLoS ONE, 20(1): e0317290.

22. Wang, X.M., Nitsche. M., Resch, G., Mazalek, A., & Welsh, T.N. (2025). Mixed Reality Alters Motor Planning and Control. Behavioural Brain Research, 480 (115373).

21. Brillinger, M., Wang, X.M., & Welsh, T.N. (2025). The assumed motor capabilities of a partner influences motor imagery in a joint serial disc transfer task. Cognition, 254 (105964).

20. Wang, X.M., & Troje, N. (2024). Relating visual and pictorial space: Integration of binocular disparity and motion parallax. Journal of Vision,

19. Wang, X.M., Southwick, D., Robinson, I., Nitsche. M., Resch, G., Mazalek, A., & Welsh, T.N. (2024). Prolonged exposure to mixed reality alters task performance in the unmediated environment. Scientific Reports, 14(18938).

18. Wang, X.M., Southwick, D., Robinson, I., Nitsche. M., Resch, G., Mazalek, A., & Welsh, T.N. (2024). The Geometry of the Vergence-Accommodation Conflict in Mixed Reality Systems. Virtual Reality, 28(95).

17. Wang, X.M., & Welsh, T.N. (2024). TAT-HUM: Trajectory Analysis Toolkit for Human Movements. Behavior Research Methods.

16. Wang, X.M., Smith, D.T., Zhu, Q. (2023) A webcam-based machine learning approach for three-dimensional range of motion evaluation. PLoS ONE, 18(10): e0293178.

15. Wang, X. M., & Troje, N. F. (2023). Relating visual and pictorial space: Binocular disparity for distance, motion parallax for direction. Visual Cognition, 1-19.

14. Wang, X.M., Karlinsky, A., Constable, M.D., Gregory, S.E.A., & Welsh, T.N. (2023). Act-ability of social gaze cueing elicits facilitatory and inhibitory effects on movement execution in an upper-limb reaching task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

13. Bingham, G.P., Wang, X.M., & Herth, R.A. (2023). Stable visually guided reaching does not require an internal feedforward model to compensate internal delay: Data and model. Vision Research, 203 (108152).

12. Wang, X.M., Wilson, M.A., Song, Y., Ma, G., Dong M., & Zhu, Q. (2022). Extended visuomotor experience with inverted movements can overcome the inversion effect in biological motion perception. Scientific Reports, 12, 17538.

11. Bingham, G.P., Herth, R.A., Yang, P., Chen Z., & Wang, X.M. (2022). Investigation of optical texture properties as relative distance information for monocular guidance of reaching. Vision Research, 196(4): 108029.

10. Herth, R.A., Wang, X.M., Cherry, O., & Bingham, G.P. (2021). Monocular guidance of reaches-to-grasp using visible support surface texture: data and model. Experimental Brain Research.

9. Xu, H., Pan, J.S.*, Wang, X.M.*, Bingham, G.P. (2020). Information for perceiving blurry events: the effect of optic flow and chromaticity. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics.
*corresponding authors.

8. Wang, X.M., Lind, M., & Bingham, G.P. (2020). A stratified process for the perception of objects: From optical transformations to 3D relief structure to 3D Euclidean structure to slant or aspect ratio. Vision Research, 173, 77-89.

7. Wang, X.M., Lind, M., & Bingham, G.P. (2019b). Bootstrapping a better slant: A stratified process for recovering 3D metric slant. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 1504–1519.

6. Wang, X.M., Lind, M. & Bingham, G.P. (2019a). Symmetry mediates the bootstrapping of 3-D relief slant to metric slant. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 1488–1503.

5. Wu, H.*, Wang, X.M.*, & Pan, J.S. (2019). Perceiving blurry scenes with translational optic flow, rotational optic flow or combined optic flow. Vision Research, 158, 49-57.
*these authors contributed equally to this work.

4. Wang, X.M., & Bingham, G.P. (2019). Change in effectivity yields recalibration of affordance geometry to preserve functional dynamics. Experimental Brain Research, 237(3), 817-827.

3. Wang, X.M., Lind, M., & Bingham, G. P. (2018). Large continuous perspective change with non-coplanar points enables accurate slant perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 44(10), 1508-1522.

2. Pan, J.S., Li, J., Chen, Z., Mangiaracina, E.A., Connell, C.S., Wu, H., Wang, X.M., Bingham, G.P., & Hassan, S.E. (2017). Motion-Generated Optical Information Allows Event Perception despite Blurry Vision in AMD and Amblyopic Patients. Journal of Vision, 17(12):13, 1-16.

1. Snapp-Childs, W., Wang, X.M., & Bingham, G. P. (2016). Progressive reduction versus fixed level of support during training: When less is less. Human Movement Science, 45, 172-181.

Manuscripts Under Review

4. Manzone, D.M., Wang, X.M., Jafri, S., Manzone, J.X., Welsh, T.N., & Tremblay, L. (under review). Test Tube: Exploring the sensorimotor efficiency of aiming movements in virtual environments. Psychological Research.

3. Wang, X.M., Prenevost, M., Tarun, A.P., Robinson, I., Resch, G., Nitsche. M., Mazalek, A., & Welsh, T.N. (under review). Evaluating a geometrical solution to the vergence-accommodation conflict for targeted movements in virtual reality. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

2. Wang, X.M., Yang, M., Feng, Z., Pan, J. S., Wilson, M. A., & Zhu, Q. (under review). Experience modulates gaze behavior and the effectiveness of information pickup to over-come the inversion effect in biological motion perception. PLOS ONE.

1. Wang, X.M., Chan, C.H.Y., Wang, Y., Karlinsky, A., Constable, M.D., & Welsh, T.N. (under review). Activation of the motor system following gaze cues is determined by hand access, not hand proximity. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

Non Peer-Reviewed Publications

3. Bek, J., Wang, X.M., Welsh, T.N. (in preparation). Transcranial direct current stimulation influences motor overflow in imagined aiming movement.

2. Zhu, Q., Wang, X.M., Palmer, C., & Bingham, G.P. (in preparation). Social psychology in the task organization of dyadic 90° rhythmic coordination: The coupling is not what you might expect.

1. Wang, X.M. (2023). Movement-based human identity recognition: Analysis and hypotheses. PsyArxiv,

Book Chapters

1. Wang, X.M., Welsh, T.W., Chua, R., & Weeks, D.J. (in press). Perceptual-motor interaction: Some implications for human-computer interaction. In A. Sears & J.A. Jacko (Eds.), The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook. CRC Press.

Inventions and Intellectual Property

1. Wang, X.M., & Welsh, T. N. (2023). Device-specific 3D rendering algorithm for accurate peri-personal space depth perception and interaction. Invention disclosed to the University of Toronto on May 10, 2023.

Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

13. Wang, X.M., & Welsh, T. N. (2023). TAT-HUM: Trajectory Analysis Toolkit for Human Movements in Python. Talk presented at The Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS). [Abstract published in Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, 54(1)].

12. Manzone, D. M., Manzone, J. X., Wang, X.M., Welsh, T. N., & Tremblay, L. (2023). Test Tube: On the Sensorimotor Costs of Virtual Environments. Talk presented at The Canadi-an Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS). [Abstract published in Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, 54(1)].

11. Chan, C., Wang, X. M., Karlinsky, A., Constable, M. D., & Welsh, T. N. (2023). Getting Close: Proximity of the Hands Affects Target Prioritization and Movement Execution in the Gaze Cueing Paradigm. Poster presented at The Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learn-ing and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS). [Abstract published in Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, 54(1)].

10. Pathak, A., Karlinsky, A., Bai, Y., Brillinger, M., Wang, X.M., Gowen, E., ... & Welsh, T. (2023). Influence of handedness on Fitts’ relationship when movements are imagined and perceived. Poster presented at The Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS). [Abstract published in Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, 54(1)].

9. Wang, X.M., Karlinsky, A., Constable, M.D., Gregory, S.E.A., & Welsh, T.N. (2022). “Can’t Touch This!”: The Influence of Act-ability on Gaze Cueing of Attention in an Upper-Limb Reaching Task. The Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS). [Abstract published in Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, 53(1)]

8. Zhu, Q., Song, Y., Dai, B., Wilson, M., Dong, M., Ma, G., Yang, Y., Wang, X.W. (2022). The Sensitivity of Vertical Dancers in Detecting Artificially Inverted Dance Movements in Point-Light Displays. The North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physi-cal Activity. [Abstract published in Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 44, S61].

7. Wang, X.M., Thaler, A., Bebko, A.O., & Troje, N.F. (2020). Stereopsis aids perceived distance based on an exocentric pointing task. Virtual Vision Science Society Annual Meeting. [Abstract published in Journal of Vision, 20(11), 1171.]

6. Bingham, G.P., Wang, X.M., & Lind, M. (2020). Perception of the similarity structure of objects: A stratified model. Virtual Vision Science Society Annual Meeting. [Abstract published in Journal of Vision, 20(11), 527.]

5. Wang, X.M., Thaler, A., Eftekharifar, S., Bebko, A.O., & Troje, N.F. (2020b). Self-motion as a link between stereopsis and motion parallax. Vestibular Oriented Research Meeting. [Abstract published in Journal of Vestibular Research, 30, 150-151.]

4. Wang, X.M., Thaler, A., Eftekharifar, S., Bebko, A.O., & Troje, N.F. (2020a). Perceptual distortions between windows and screens: Stereopsis predicts motion parallax. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 685-686.

3. Wang, X.M., Lind, M., & Bingham, G.P. (2018). Modeling 3D Slant Perception with Motion-Based Visual Information. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting, St Pete Beach, FL. [Abstract published in Journal of Vision, 18(10), 129.]

2. Wang, X.M., Fath, A.J., Snapp-Childs, W., Lind, M., & Bingham, G.P. (2016). Inhomogeneity of perceived slants with different motion-based visual information. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting, St Pete Beach, FL. [Abstract published in Journal of Vision, 16(12), 654.]

1. Wang, X.M., Fath, A.J., Lind, M., & Bingham, G. (2015). A New Slant on" Two Eyes Are Better Than One": Large Continuous Perspective Changes (≥ 45°) Allow Metric Slant Perception Using Cyclopean (or Stereo-) Motion. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting, St Pete Beach, FL. [Abstract published in Journal of Vision, 15(12), 724.]


2. Wang, X.M., & Welsh, T.N. (2023). TAT-HUM: Trajectory Analysis Toolkit for Human Movement. Centre for Motor Control, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto. June 15, 2023.

1. Wang, X.M. (2023). Data processing using Python. Centre for Motor Control, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto. February 3, 2023

Invited Talks

3. Wang, X.M. (2023). Dynamical Systems. An invited guest lecture presented for KPE 160: Fundamentals of Human Movement at the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Toronto.

2. Wang, X.M. (2020). Research: What I have been doing and what I wish I have done. An invited talk presented at the Professional Development Module for the International Research Training Group (IRTG), June 16, 2020.

1. Bingham, G.P., Lind, M., Fath, A.J., Wang, X.M. (2015). Perceiving Affine and Metric 3D Surfaces Using Multiple Motion Systems. An invited paper presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, May 28, 2015.

Conference Presentations

12. Bek, J., Wang, X.M., & Welsh, T.N. (2024 May). The role of supplementary motor area in motor imagery: A transcranial direct current stimulation study. Poster presented at the Society for the Neural Control of Movement, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

11. Pathak, A., Karlinsky, A., Bai, Y., Brillinger, M., Wang, X.M., Gowen, E., Poliakoff, E., & Welsh, T.N. (2024 May). The impact of handedness on the Fitts’ relationship during imagined and perceived movements. Poster presented at the Society for the Neural Control of Movement, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

10. Welsh, T.N., Wang, X.M., & Karlinsky, A. (2023 November). “Breadth without depth”: Gaze cues generalize to side of space but may not be sensitive to depth. Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society’s Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.

9. Wilson, M.A., Zhu, Q., Wang, X.M., & Pan, J.S. (2023 October). Vertical dancers can discriminate the movements performed upside down in the air better than others. Talk presented at the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science (IADMS), Colum-bus, OH, USA.

8. Wang, X.M., Southwick, D., Robinson, I., Nitsche, M., Resch, G., Mazalek, A., & Welsh, T.N. (2023 May). Virtually correct: The effect of AR and VR on targeted pointing movement. Talk presented at the Southern Ontario Motor Behaviour Symposium (SOMBS), Toronto, ON, Canada.

7. Wilson, M.A., Zhu, Q., & Wang, X.M. (2022 October). Vertical Dancers Can Discriminate the Movements Performed Upside Down in the Air Better than Others. Talk presented at the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science (IADMS), Limerick, Ireland.

6. Wang, X.M., Zhu, Q., & Smith, D.T. (2022 April). Three-dimensional full-body range of motion: A machine learning-based approach. Talk presented at the Southern Ontario Motor Behaviour Symposium, Guelph, ON, Canada.

5. Wang, X.M., Lind, M., & Bingham, G.P. (2019 June). Bootstrapping metric structure from relief structure. Poster presented at the International Conference on Predictive Vision, Toronto, ON, Canada.

4. Wang, X.M., Pan, J.S., Li, J., Chen, Z., Mangiaracina, E.A., Connell, C.S., Wu, H., Bingham, G.P., & Hassan, S.E. (2017 June). Motion-generated optical information allows event perception despite blurry vision in AMD and amblyopic patients. Poster presented at the Workshop on Egocentric Vision: From Science to Real-World Applications, Bloomington, IN, USA.

3. Campbell, A., Wang, X.M. (2016 April). Investigation of slant-perceiving agent. Poster presented at the Midwest Undergraduate Cognitive Science Conference, Bloomington, IN, USA.

2. Wang, X.M., Pan, J.S., & Bingham, B.P. (2014, June). Global optical flow aids scene perception under conditions simulating low vision. Poster presented at the International Society for Ecological Psychology North American Meeting, Miami, OH, USA.

1. Wang, X.M., & Heft, H. (2012, May). Event segmentation over an extended period of time. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, USA.

Group Exhibitions

2022 May
Ambling through Time (Video Art)
Nostalgia: In Search of Familiarity, presented by Asian Arts and Culture Trust
Remote Gallery, Toronto, ON, Canada

2022 May
Ambling through Time (Video Art)
Travelling Through: Conversations with Elders, presented by Asian Arts and Culture Trust
TIFF Bell Lightbox, Toronto, ON, Canada